Friday, June 10, 2011


Playlist for June ! I love them ! :D

Noob Webbie ! :/

Basically I don't know how to describe my JUNE. I mean, everything comes with good and bad, just depends on how you look at them. Although I tried to make myself happy as I think with a better way but in the other hand actually I care a lot about the bad ways. *just slap me pls* 

I think I can say I'm trying to be as rebellious as I can, just for this month. I feel myself had been oppressive for too long for certain reasons. I nearly can't recognize myself. I can't differentiate what is happy and unhappy for myself. I like helping people, because I want people around me to be happy too. Unfortunately, sometimes, people request something I don't like, but I'll still do for them for thoughts came out I thought I'll be happy if they're happy too. But actually it is not. And this it's just one of the example. 

Arghhh. Forget about those shit. I don't know what I'm talking about thou but I'd figured out what to do. Time to sleep to repair my fugly skin ! Good night readers ! 

Love Anna.