Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Noobie say HELLO !

最近又多了一个小朋友读者问我为什么我会用中文写部落格???我真的不是ABC啦。我的样子真的那么像中文白痴?搞不懂~:s 我承认我是noobie,有时还会有点retarded,可是我会说中文的!哈

礼物,我活了十九年,收到的真的不少。最便宜的可以是一支人家用过不要的lotion,最贵的我可以是一张出国来回机票。可是最近却让我收到了一份特别的礼物。:) 这让我感觉到他真的变了。以前的他,一直带我去花钱,吃最好的,用最好的。现在的他,还是一样,把一切最美好的东西都留给我,自己却keep saving。以前的他,会送我上千块的首饰,可是现在的他,会送我一份保险。以前的他,信口开河,现在的他,诚实稳重。他付出的,我都看得到。以前的我,会要求他很多很多,可是现在的我,只要求他过得快乐,没压力。这对我来说,我去pavilion逛一圈就可以做到了,可是对他来说,一点都不简单。工作压力真的可以让他喘不过气来。*心疼*

This song really sing out every words in my heart. She's amazing ! Love her !

And and and ! I think somebody will be thrill if he listened this. But, don't think too much ! I love Bruno Mars. Opssy. Sorry ! :p

Good night ! Love the atmosphere now. :)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Sorry for abandoned my blog again. Sick for one whole week wtf !!!!

Nothing special for the last weekend, just followed two tough guy to their 逆战 movie casting.

Two care-leh-feh wannabe ! Starring William B and Mr.Ryan ! :D

Imagining Nicholas Tse or Jay Chou used this gun before and it's in my hand now !!


Took this while waiting for them. Bored dieeeeeeeeeeee ! :x

After that we headed home and sleep ! End of storie. Haha.


Thursday, June 16, 2011


Surprisingly, class cancelled for whole day due to some talk for those scholars. == I thought we have a Bio practical at 9 but our lecturer ffk us and never send somebody to inform wtf ! Office only know how to send complain letters to our parents only right ?! Waste our time sitting and waiting inside the lab ! :/

After that, my boys planned to watch GREEN LANTERN while I'd date with my babe Ms Hah at Bkt.Bintang area. == We went all the shopping malls ! Crazy lehhhhh ? Actually we only planned to Times square, but ended up ALL OF THEM ! LOL First stop, we went Pavilion for breakfast and get some stuff @Forever21---->Fareinheit88 we get nail polish -----> Low Yat Ms.Hah get her baby Rilakkuma iphone4 white case. CUTE TO THE MAX ! :D ----> Times square we get chatty, and blahh blahh blahh, can't finished. *tired*

Ms.Hah's ! Tons of QQ and pearl. She likes ! :D

Yours truly. My face shoo oily, glasses falling down. :(

I love this weekend ! Guess where I'm going ???? *wink* I miss it I miss it I miss it !! 


Friday, June 10, 2011


Playlist for June ! I love them ! :D

Noob Webbie ! :/

Basically I don't know how to describe my JUNE. I mean, everything comes with good and bad, just depends on how you look at them. Although I tried to make myself happy as I think with a better way but in the other hand actually I care a lot about the bad ways. *just slap me pls* 

I think I can say I'm trying to be as rebellious as I can, just for this month. I feel myself had been oppressive for too long for certain reasons. I nearly can't recognize myself. I can't differentiate what is happy and unhappy for myself. I like helping people, because I want people around me to be happy too. Unfortunately, sometimes, people request something I don't like, but I'll still do for them for thoughts came out I thought I'll be happy if they're happy too. But actually it is not. And this it's just one of the example. 

Arghhh. Forget about those shit. I don't know what I'm talking about thou but I'd figured out what to do. Time to sleep to repair my fugly skin ! Good night readers ! 

Love Anna.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


My dream heels !

最近超迷流苏的东西。(搞不懂)爱就对了!由于最近在追看gossip girl,所以就把它取名为Blair啦。(random)我要给它生命!其实还没把它穿到正式的场合,希望有人会快点带我出去啦。=)


Carefully deciding what to order. :p
